I carri sono sogni di cartapesta che durano un anno.

Nascono dalle mani e dal cuore dei carristi e dopo mesi di lavoro sono pronti per mostrarsi alteri, bizzarri e mastodontici.

Per loro un bagno di folla in mezzo ai colori e all’allegria di domeniche mai uguali. Musica, convenzioni e tabù sparati in aria fra quintali di caramelle e coriandoli!


The association “I ragazzi del Guercino aps”, located in 13 Manin in Cento , participates to Cento Carnevale d’Europa, and today is the association with the most victories. Founded in 1971 under the name Club Guercino, it then decided to change its name into I ragazzi del Guercino (the Guercino boys), a perfect union between the historical context of the city (Guercino- the painter of Cento,, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) and the young people who are the lifeblood of the association, which has always given a lot of importance to the values of family and tradition. The association values respect for heterogeneity, boasts a large number of highly committed women and, as in a workshop of knowledge, the age of the volunteers is also a guarantee of transmission of the art of papier-mâché. The youngers, under the help of the elders papier-mâché master, try their hand at searching and learning new techniques of realization wonderful masks and figures, works of art. Moreover, respecting the environment, the association recycles paper from old newspapers and mixes glue with flour and water. I Ragazzi del Guercino collaborate and cooperate with the social associations of Cento, spread their idea of Carnival and traditions in schools. They rely on art and humour to analyse even complex social issues, to leave the viewer with food for thought. Every year there is a new challenge! Edition 2024 concluded with their winning, with the allegorical float titled: NON FUGGIRE…AFFRONTALO! (don’t run away, face it!) Current theme with a clear message of trying to conquer your aims, face the fears with bravery.