One of the most popular and loved characteristic of the Carnival of Cento is the “gettito” during the parade: it’s the throw of fluffy toys, lifebuoys and air mattresses from the towers of the floats. The parade reaches its climax in Guercino square where, in front of the jury will “rain down from the sky the “gettito”. At the end of 5 Sundays, the Jury itself will declare the winner choosing between the Carnival Associations. With the modernization of the Carnival, “the Gettito” is modernized as well: first with the thrown of candies and sweets in large quantities, then with the addition of complex objects as dolls, fluffy toys, football balls and dools. Antonio Casanova, one of the most important figures of Carnival and Pro Site, during an interview explained the importance of the gettito: 30% of the costs of the Carnival Associations are for toys and candies. The citizens are really fond to this tradition because they believe they invented it. The gettito is the gratification for all the people who support the carnival and also the “privates” throw objects and candies from their windows. When it comes to “gettito”, nobody spares any expense. Quite similar but a bit ironic, another article describes the relation between Gettito, parade and public, the greatness of the allegorical float stands out among the narrow streets of the centre. People dance on it, sing and play songs, throw candies, balls, dolls, cakes and baking powder, so everyone can make their own cake at home. This is Italy, Italy with simple and genuine tastes. “Il carro avanza raso muro, oscurando i portici, impuntandosi contro i balconi con le sue propaggini di cartapesta. Sopra ballano, suonano, lanciano caramelle, palloni, bambole, panettoni e bustine di lievito perchè così uno si possa preparare a casa il dolce che vuole. […] E la gente ci sta […]. È l’Italia fuori di porta; un’Italia dai gusti più semplici, dagli entusiasmi più facili. Questa è roba fina, sento dire da un ragazzotto che trascina la ragazza in prima fila, questa è roba estera. Sul tappeto di coriandoli stanno sgambettando volonterosamente le majorettes, una ventina di chepì sovrastanti, gambe, seni e facciozze piene di salute che più emiliane di così potrebbero essere soltanto romagnole. Ma è il sogno che conta.”